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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Still alive

Hi everyone! It feels a right age since I last typed in this little space on the internet, so I'm just popping in to say all my vitals are still good. As you've deduced from the photo I've just come back from a lo-va-ly holiday, a cruise actually. There was an online promotion-discount on one of those groupon/livingsocial sites and my mum signed us up a few months ago bless her. A 9 day cruise to New Caledonia and the Pacific Islands was a perfect sunny break from the frosty cold of winter Sydney. Missing a week and a half of school certainly doesn't hurt either.

For those of you who've never been on a cruise, it's like staying in a little secluded (in the best way possible) little village, but a hotel at the same time. The staff were so friendly and there was more amazing food than you could shake a stick at with the choice of a buffet or waterfront restaurant for every meal. Been pretty hard going back to ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch again. Although I was initially worried about being bored on a big 'ol ship with no free wifi, that was banished quickly after discovering the live entertainment provided every night; courtesy of the ship, and meeting some amazing fellow holiday-ers and also the pool. The pool was pretty ordinary in itself, but because it was on the top deck of a moving ship, it become a pretty-god-damn amazing natural wave pool. Wishing I was back there and not studying Macbeth.. 

Monday, 8 July 2013

The Comforter

I may have only recently dipped by toe into the wondrous world of lush, but I'm well and truly addicted.

They do quite a diverse range of products, but so far, I've only given the bath bombs a try, though I'll definitely be branching out and giving the rest of their skincare a go as soon as my piggy bank is a little less empty.

The comforter, is a big 'ol swirl of blackcurrant creaminess which is, as the name suggests endlessly comforting on a chilly winter evening. The best bit about comforter bars, is you get to use it multiple times, breaking bits off to foam up your bath; one bar will give you about 5-6 decent baths. When it's not making your bath all foam-y and blackcurrant-y it sits in your room making everything smell positively delicious and fruity.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Instagram lately


Been more than a little m.i.a. on the blogging front lately, I'm blaming it on assessment week, but now it's the holidays whooooo. So get ready to see my mug a whole lot more (hopefully). Looking forward immensely to catch up on tv (priorities!) and eating (again, priorities :)). This is a bit of a filler post, basically me popping in and letting you all know I'm still alive. ALSO google reader is ending tomorrow! Please shuffle on over to bloglovin' it's so much easier to use and amazing for reading posts from your favourite bloggers.

Much love!
x Joyce